Top 7 Things To Do on a Lazy Sunday

Sometimes we feel guilty when we aren’t doing anything that we consider important. I’m going to put my foot down, both feet actually, because taking care of yourself is important. Every once in a while, a lazy Sunday is a necessity. Here is a list of my top seven things to do on a lazy Sunday:

  1. Watch a favourite movie or TV show

Get cozy and watch your favourite movie or take time catch up on something you have been meaning to watch. Stream a whole series or pop over to the public library (yes, the library!) and pick up something exciting.

  1. Don’t get dressed up

This is very important. Personally, I am not a fan of staying in my pjs all day, but I love changing into my comfy clothes (oversized sweater and sweatpants). This makes me feel like I’ve gotten dressed, but I’m still really comfy and cozy. Don’t even bother putting your contacts in. Glasses all day long.

  1. Do some art

Art is very relaxing and gets those creative juices flowing. You can paint, draw, do some crafts, whatever makes you happy. I feel like I rarely get time to do this, but when I get a chance, I absolutely love it.

  1. Read a book

I love a good book. There is nothing better and cozying it down and reading a good story. Pick an old favourite or read something new that is on your list.

  1. Turn off cell your phone

We all know how distracting our phones can be, with our apps dinging every two minutes to inform us of something that isn’t even important. This is why my phone is always on silent. Try turning your phone off or putting it far away from you for the day. Don’t worry about what is going on in social media. This is “you” time.

  1. Have a delicious snack

Oh yeah. Everyone loves a delicious snack. Make yourself a nice cup of tea or hot chocolate. Have that piece of cake or that bowl of cheese balls. If you prefer something healthy, some fruit and cheese. All great choices, just treat yourself to something yummy.

  1. The Calvin and Hobbes Lazy Sunday Book

What truly encompasses the feel of a lazy Sunday? The Calvin and Hobbes Lazy Sunday Book. I know I said read a book earlier in this list, but if you are to read one book it should be this one – a collection of Sunday cartoons to make you smile.

Enjoy your lazy Sunday!




Photo credit: Photo by Alisa Anton on Unsplash

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